Having a very large breast for most women can cause lots of problems and most women are not happy with them. Even some will have breast reduction surgeries, but that is not advisable for most women. There are some celebrities that have been quite open and honest about the problems that being large-breasted has caused them. There is not just embarrassment or insecurity but there is lots of pain as well as discomfort.


Many of these problems can include:

  • Back problems
  • Breast feeding is not easy
  • Sleeping is not good

Don’t laugh – these are real problems for those women with overly large breasts. To learn more about these problems and to find some solutions, go to Drcanines.com for further information. 

Back problems

Many women have posture problems caused by being unable to keep shoulders back as this causes intense pain. Carrying this extra weight can cause neck and shoulder strain as well as weakening the muscles in the back. Often this excess weight can be as much as 16 to 20 lbs. 


Good luck, if your body’s preferred position is sleeping on your stomach. It takes a lot of extra pillows to try to take the pressure off the chest area. It also means that the woman will wake up several times during the night because of pressure on the breasts being uncomfortable.

Special bras

Breast minimizer bras are special bras that are capable of reducing the projection of the breasts by often as much as 1 to 2 inches. You need to look for a shop that has special bras for full-bodied women and there are several online. Plus size is defined as a bra size of 40 inches or more. You need to look for bras that provide full support for D, DD, E, F, and G size cups.